Invest to Live
Are you looking to live on an income-producing property (multi-family) and start making a rental income that will either help subsidize the cost of your mortgage and/or pay for it completely? Did you know unlike purchasing to invest solely, which can take up to 20-25% out of pocket cash down deposit — purchasing an owner-occupied investment property can cost you as little as 3.5% down cash deposit. We specialize in connecting all the dots, starting with a free consultation to better understand your overall real estate goal(s) and figuring out the best type of purchase that works within your budget.
We have worked with the first time home buyer clients to the seasoned investor clients on these types of purchases. Examples have been condominium purchases that a buyer lives in one bedroom and rents out the other one to help with the mortgage payments. Our in-house rental team can help qualify individual roommates for single bedroom rentals up to qualifying groups for larger individual apartments within multi-family properties. To learn more, contact us and we would love to sit down with you to explain in more details.